BSc. PhD. Anim. Behav. – After college, I spent five years in guide dogs as a pup supervisor and guide dog trainer. It was while I was working in Guide Dogs in Australia that the true powers of raw feeding came to light. That was 15 years ago. The time since, bar a couple of years as a producer myself, I have spent as a full-time writer, speaker and dedicated advocate for natural canine food and health, much of which you can find at my website As a dog lover and keen researcher, the subject fascinated and consumes me, providing me with near bottomless rabbit holes that demand exploration. What I found over the last decade of work I have recently released in book form, Feedings Dogs, which proudly made it to the top of a number of best-seller lists, including #1 in Small Animal Veterinary Medicine in the US (Amazon Charts). It remains today the top-rated book by readers on canine nutrition on Amazon.